Report Frontline

Pension is paid on the day of retirement

Sarojini Bishi

Subarnapur:5 teachers and staff working under Subarnapur district education office have retired from their government jobs today. On behalf of Subarnapur District Education Office, 3 of the total 5 people have been given final pension on the day of retirement and the remaining two have been given provisional pension. The three persons who were given final pension are Mr. Pramod Kumar Padhan, Assistant Teacher of Panchyat High School Badkarle, Mr. Jitendriya Budek, Sports Teacher of Tribal panchyat High School Sahala and Mr. Panchanan Samantaray, Pianist of Kamsira High School Kamsira. Similarly, the two persons who have been granted provisional pension are Mr. Ashok Kumar Rath (OES-II), Heatmater of Government Boys High School, Tarbha, and Mr. shesadeva Hota, Sports Teacher of Gopaljee High School, Silati. In the retirement promotion meeting organized on this occasion, Subarnapur District Education Officer Mr. Laxman Bhoi handed over all the merit related papers to all the 5 teachers and staff. Additional District Education Officer Ms. Manjulta Bhoi and all the staff of the office of the District Education Officer were present in this meeting. On behalf of the Subarnapur District Education Office, the Controller of Accounts Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohanty and Assistant Controller of Accounts Mr. Padarbind Mohapatra have been thanked for the time payment of their dues to the above employee. This work of Subarnapur Education Office is highly appreciate by the intelligentsia of the district.

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