Report Frontline

Blockade of road in Dunguripali due to issue of sale of paddy

Sarojini Bishi

Subarnapur: Road blockade due to the problem of farmers selling grain. Farmer have blocked the National Highway No. 26 at Dunguripali RMC Street on behalf of the new formed Farmer’ Organization and the District Farmers’ Organization. As a result, the traffic is blocked and hundreds of vehicles are stuck on both sides. According to the complaint, widespread irregularities have been found in the collection of rabi grain in the district. The administration is keeping quiet while the mill are being harassed in the markets.

Paddy collection is going on in the mandis in the absence of PAX staff and RMC staff. The millers are harvesting grain by force. Farmer leader Sonali Bishi visited various market and complained to the district administration. However, the administration is not coming to discuss because it is taking large amounts from the mill. Although time was given to solve it, due to non-solution, today they were forced to block the national highway by placing sacks of grain. The farmer informed that the road blockade will continue until the promise is fulfill


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