Report Frontline


Sarojini Bishi

New Delhi: This year there will be more rain than normal. According to IMD’s ‘monsoon’ estimate, the southwest monsoon is bringing more rain this time. This was informed on Monday by the Indian Meteorological Department. According to this model, the estimate could be 5 percent lower or higher.

This year, the country will experience more than normal rainfall due to the monsoon. There may be 106% rainfall in the country. According to estimates, the total rainfall from June to September in the whole country will be 87 cm on an average of 106 percent. Rainfall between 96-104% is considered normal. In the last week of May 2024, the next forecast will be issued for monsoon rains.

It is said that detailed information will be given by IMD in the first week of next month. However, according to the information of IMD, there may be more rain in the months of August and September. Between 1951 and 2023, La Nina has affected the monsoon 22 times. Therefore, the country has received more than normal rainfall 9 times. La Nina here means good rains. Generally, Southwest Monsoon enters Kerala on June 1. After that, it rains periodically in different parts of the country. 10 days after touching Kerala, monsoon enters Odisha.

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