Report Frontline

‘Diphtheria’, increasing number of infections in Rayagada

Sarojini Bishi

Rayagada: Diphtheria is spreading in Rayagada. 5 children lost their lives in Rayagada Kashipur area within 10 days. In order not to increase the number of infections or the lives of innocent children, the medical team and the expert team reached the spot and started the treatment as per the instructions of the Chief Minister.Diphtheria is spreading in Rayagada district. In the village of Munushpadar of Rayagada district, since last 6th, the children were suffering from diarrhea and fever. After that, the medical team led by Rayagada and Kalahandi CDMOs arrived and reviewed the disease affected areas and went door to door in the village to conduct a survey. Along with this, a medical team has also arrived from Bhubaneswar and Koraput. After testing the sample collected in the survey, it is clear that it contains diphtheria virus.

The medical team and expert team led by CDMO have started all preparations to find the cause of diphtheria and prevent the spread of the disease. Along with this, while the infected child is being treated in the Rayagada district hospital, the vaccination campaign has been started. A special diphtheria anti-toxin vaccine has been brought from Agra and given to the children.

Symptoms of diphtheria;
Diphtheria is an infectious and fatal disease. which easily infects the baby. The first symptom of which is a sore throat and fever. Diphtheria causes difficulty in swallowing food. Along with this white spot will appear in the throat and poisonous liquid will come out from it.

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