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Bhakta Baba of Jabalpur presented the world’s most expensive mango to Mahakala

Sarojini Bishi

Jabalpur: A devotee of Jabalpur has offered the world’s most expensive mango to Baba Mahakala. He went to Sri Mahakaleshwar Temple and offered it. The price of this special type of amber in the international market is 2 lakh 70 thousand. With the blessings of Baba Mahakala, Sangam Singh Parihar started a farm house. He has planted 16 to 17 varieties of mango trees in 10 acres. It includes Australia’s R2V2, Japan’s Tomego and expensive mango Miyazaki. More than 1500 mango trees are in his farm house. A big devotee of Sangham Baba. That’s why he is offering this expensive mango to Baba.

Specially trained dogs are released at night to protect these mangoes from thieves. Miyazaki is a hybrid mango. Its height is up to 10 feet. Instead of chemicals, it is placed in grass and composted.

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