Report Frontline

India will leave 4,300 rich in 2024

Sarojini Bishi

New Delhi: Leave India There are rich people. In 2023, 5 thousand 100 rich people left India 4 thousand,300 rich people will leave India in 2024 Estimated. The highest number of Indian joint Arabs Emirates (UAE) is their country of choice Considering. Be in 2013 to 2023 The number of Indians has increased by 85%. Of course Security, Tax Compliance, Senior Business Development, Budgeting Lifestyle, better education for children, better healthcare Leave the rich country for It is said in the report. Rich people should leave India and settle in other countries Constantly growing. Let’s leave the country having The need to think so much about the rich no.

Because let’s leave the rich country are A much greater amount of new wealth is created is. India is at the 10th place in the world rich list There are 326,400 rich people and the second There are 862,400 rich people in China. According to the report, the immigration of the rich compared to the world China is at the top while Britain is second India is in the third place. Yes, yes, America Indian immigrants go to Singapore.

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