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‘Storm’ has gone out, life will be found under the soil

Sarojini Bishi

Brahmapur: The death toll is increasing day by day in Kerala. So far 350 people have died. It is suspected that around 100 more lives are trapped under the soil. That’s why the rescue operation on a wartime basis by the Indian Army.

However, the search dog “Storm” of Odisha Brahmapur Police has been called to join the rescue operation. One SI, two ASI a trainer and another employee went with the storm, informed the SP of Brahmapur. However, the trained Storm has been selected to help in such a disaster situation in Kerala. However, Storm is not only a search dog but is also trained for rescue. So Storm has been selected for this and sent to Kerala.

However, search dogs of Tamil Nadu and Kerala police have been engaged in the rescue operation. Along with this, rescue operations are continuing with the help of air force, navy and special drones.

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