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Empowering Hearts: A Recap of the NAAO Medical Cell on Basic Life Support

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Bhubaneswar (Sampad) : In a world where every second counts, the importance of timely intervention in saving lives cannot be overstated. Recognizing this crucial need, the NAAO Medical Cell today organized a seminar on Basic Life Support (BLS), specifically focusing on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). This event was part of the celebrations for World Heart Day, and it served as a beacon of knowledge and hope for attendees of the Navodayan fraternity.

Under the able leadership of Chairperson Dr. Sangram Keshari Mohapatra, the seminar took place on October 1, 2023, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. What made this event unique was its hybrid format, allowing participants to join either online or in person, ensuring accessibility for all. The seminar boasted an impressive lineup of medical experts who shared their invaluable insights and experiences with the attendees. Dr. Pradyut Pradhan, Dr. Sangram Biswal, and Dr. Udaybhanu Rout served as moderators, guiding the discussions and interactions throughout the event.

The heart of the seminar, of course, lay in the knowledge imparted by the distinguished speakers, Dr. Susajit Pradhan and Dr. Rusheekanta Mohanta. Their expertise in the field of Basic Life Support was evident as they delved deep into the intricacies of CPR, making it comprehensible and applicable for all. One of the key takeaways from the seminar was the understanding that every individual, regardless of their profession or background, has the potential to become a lifesaver. The BLS techniques, Chest Compression etc shared during the seminar equip participants with the skills needed to perform CPR effectively, which can be the difference between life and death in cases of cardiac arrest.

Emphasized the importance of World Heart Day

Moreover, the event emphasized the importance of World Heart Day, shedding light on the global burden of heart-related issues. It served as a call to action for individuals to take charge of their heart health and for communities to raise awareness about heart diseases and the importance of BLS. In conclusion, the NAAO Medical Cell’s seminar on Basic Life Support was not just an informative event; it was a reminder of the power each of us holds to make a difference in someone’s life during a critical moment.

As we reflect on the knowledge gained and the skills acquired during this seminar, let us remember that timely intervention can indeed save a life. The impact of this event will undoubtedly resonate within the hearts of all who attended, fostering a sense of responsibility and empowerment to be the difference when it matters most.

Article Written by Shri Sampad
Volunteer Writer

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